Meet the Board of Education

  • Each member of the Eastern Camden County Regional School District Board of Education is his or her community’s representative. Each is entrusted with the responsibility of helping to plan the education of the youth of the district and set priorities to meet the needs of our children and community. Members are elected for three-year terms of service to the community and the school. Representation on the board is determined proportionately based on the populations of the three sending districts, Berlin Borough, Gibbsboro and Voorhees Township. To contact the Board of Education President, Elena Chow, please email

Elena Chow, President - Voorhees Township

Elena Chow, President - Voorhees Township

Lisa Asare- Berlin Boro

Lisa Asare

Robert Campbell - Voorhees Township

Robert Campbell - Voorhees Township

Hillary Garr - Voorhees Township

Hillary Garr

Robert Paul - Voorhees Township

Robert Paul

Dennis Deichert, Vice-President - Gibbsboro

Dennis Deichert, Vice-President - Gibbsboro

Jude J. Brown - Voorhees Township

Jude J. Brown - Voorhees Township

Jeremy Conner - Berlin Boro

Jeremy Conner,  Berlin Boro

Steven Kosyla - Voorhees Township

Steven Kosyla -  Voorhees Township