Lateness to School and Class

    1. All students are to be in their assigned classroom at the sound of the late bell. 

    2. Students who arrive after the late bell are to be admitted to class and marked late. 

    3. Teachers are to assign a detention prior to referring chronic offenders to administration.Students who arrive late to Period 4 (PM Wheel) are NOT to be admitted, but rather, redirected to the MainOffice or 701 office to be assigned an Administrative Study Period (ASP) and then given a pass to class.Students who arrive late to class ten (10) minutes or more without a pass are to be admitted and referred to administration for excessive lateness/cutting.

    4. Students must arrive at school by 10:15 am(students must be in school for 4 hours) to participate in any extra-curricular or athletic activity and to be marked present for that day.