Transportation Information
Page Navigation
- Daily Transportation Information
- Bus Route Information
- Bus Rules and Regulations
- Student Arrival
- Student Dismissal with Route locations
- Late Bus Calendar
- Late Bus Procedure
- Late Bus Routes
- Late bus stops for exams
- Student Parking Application & Information
- Camden County Technical School
- Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: My student is having a problem on the bus. Who do I contact?
A: Contact the student's grade level Vice Principal.
Q: I didn't receive a bus pass for my student.
A: Bus passes are not mailed. Kindly check PowerSchool for your students' current route information; route name, bus stop location, company name, pick-up time. The student should keep a copy of the pass to show the driver if asked for it. This needs to be checked every school year or if contacted as the bus stops and routes change. Detailed directions to locate the pass are located on the school website.
Q: My student can't find her bus at dismissal.
A: All routes are assigned a specific location at dismissal and are in that same location every day. Refer to the map on the school website for specific locations. Also note: while the route name does not change, sometimes the bus number will. Since the route is in the same location every day, students should report to that same location. If there is no bus at the designated spot, the bus will be located at the end of the line near the main entrance. Generally, school administrators are available outside along the sidewalk to assist students with bus location.
Q: My bus is late. When will it arrive?
A: Check the Daily Transportation page of the school website. If a bus is reported as running late, it will be listed on this page. If it is not listed, you may call the contact number located in PowerSchool for your student's bus. The bus contractors are able to check on the status of the bus.
Q: My child's bus stop has changed from previous years. What can I do?
A: The district establishes bus stops for students within 1 mile of their residence with most stops within 1/2 mile of a student's residence. As per the State of NJ, there are no regulations limiting the distance a student is permitted to walk to a bus stop. However, as per the State of NJ regulations, busing is provided for any high school student living within 2.5 miles using the shortest route along public roadways or public walkways between the entrance of the student’s residence nearest the public roadway or public walkway and the nearest public entrance of the school the student attends. Some students living less than 2.5 miles receive a bus financed by the local municipality.
Q: I have been told the bus is unable to come down my road. Why?
A: Buses are not permitted to back down streets or drive anywhere they will need to back up to turn around. Examples of roads they do not traverse are courts, dead end streets and cul-de-sacs.
Q: How are bus stops and routes determined?
A:The transportation office uses software to determine bus stops, based on seating capacity, student data, zoning information, and safety variables during processing to create the safest, most efficient bus routes possible. All routes and bus stops are reviewed and approved by the Board of Education.
Q: I am unable to see my child's bus stop from my residence. How can I get it moved closer?
A: Bus stops are placed at centralized locations that can be safely accessed by a significant number of students to minimize the length of time and mileage of the route. If you have concerns about your child's safety, you are encouraged to accompany your child to the bus stop or make arrangements to have your child escorted to the bus stop. As a reminder, only students, school authorized personnel and emergency response personnel are permitted to board the bus.
Q: There is construction/road work in my development. How will that affect my students' bus stop?
A: The district is not always informed of construction projects, especially if it is only occurring for a day or two. If the district is informed, a safe alternate stop will be determined and conveyed to the student's assigned to the new location. If the district is not informed, bus drivers will drop off in a safe alternate location. The bus drivers do their best to drop off as close to the students' original bus stop as possible. Most bus stops are less than 1/2 mile from students' homes. However, if a bus needs to drop off at an alternate location, the walking distance for the student to get home may increase.
Q: How long are students allowed to ride the school bus in New Jersey?
A: There is no state law regarding the length of a bus ride. The geography of New Jersey varies across the state and the diversity of rural and urban areas results in a very wide range of bus times. The district tries to keep ride times under 45 minutes for the to/from school routes.
Q: Are students allowed to sit in the aisles or stand on the bus?
A: Absolutely not. A full-sized school bus is used for most of the to/from school routes. They are equipped with 54 seat belts for passengers. There may be times a bus is filled to capacity with 54 students on the bus but the bus driver will not move the bus if the maximum capacity is exceeded. Students are to be completely seated in the school bus seat with their seat belt buckled.
Q: Both parents of the student reside in the district but in separate homes. Can a student have more than one pick-up or drop off address?
A: No, students are assigned a bus based on the student's address listed in PowerSchool. According to N.J.A.C. 6A:27-6.5(b), 'Districts are only responsible for transportation of students in shared custody homes from only one residence.'
Q: Can my student ride on a friend's bus?
A: No. Students are only permitted to ride the bus assigned to them in PowerSchool. Exceptions may be made by the school administration in rare circumstances. These exceptions must be made in advance by contacting the grade level Vice-Principal for the student's grade level.
Q: Will the bus leave the stop without my student if the student is not waiting at the bus stop?
A: Yes. The student must be waiting at the bus stop. While most buses arrive at the same approximate time each day, there are factors which may affect the time the bus actually arrives. One example is weather. It is suggested a student arrive at the bus stop 5 to 10 minutes prior to the designated time, regardless of weather conditions.
Q: Why doesn't the bus sound their horn for my student to come out to the bus?
A: Bus drivers are not permitted to sound their horn to alert a student to it's presence for various reasons. The primary reason is courtesy to other residents in the neighborhood.
Q: Lost items or items left on the bus on a bus route.
A: If an item is found in the morning while the bus is on campus, it is generally turned in to the main office. If the item is found at any other time, the bus driver will keep the item for 24 hours. The student should ask the driver if the item was found on the bus the next time the student is on the bus. If the item is found, the driver will return it directly to the student if the student is able to state what the item is, approximately what seat it was in and a brief description. If the student is unable to identify it or if the item is not claimed, the item will be given to the main office or the athletic office in the 600 hallway. Depending on the item, the student will need to check with the offices to see if it was turned in.
Q: Lost items or items left on a sports bus.
A: Coaches are encouraged to check the bus for items after the team disembarks. Drivers also check the bus for lost items. Who to contact will depend on when the student realizes the item was left. Buses return to their bus yard after the team has been dropped off at Eastern. If the team was on a district bus, an email may be sent to the district's Transportation Coordinator at The district transportation office hours are 7:30am to 11:30am, 12:30pm to 1:30pm when school is in session for a full day. The Transportation Coordinator is not available outside those hours. If the bus was from a contractor, the contractor's offices are open until 5:00pm. The contractor should be contacted directly if it is during their office hours. Most activities are completed and dropped off after their office hours. Therefore, an email should also be sent to the Transportation Coordinator for lost items after the contractor's office has closed. Once a response has been received, the student will be contacted. The email should include the student name, bus # (if known), trip or route name, and the item lost. The Transportation Coordinator will contact the district driver or contractor regarding the lost item, then inform the student of the result.
Q: I observed a bus traveling unsafely. Who do I contact?
A: The district utilizes the services of several bus companies as well as district vehicles. In addition, local elementary schools, non-public schools and specialty schools contract separately from Eastern Regional High School. You should call the contractor listed on the side of the bus immediately. Kindly note the bus #, bus company or school name, time of the incident, exact location of the incident and nature of the problem.